Practical Guides

Using Rhyme boards


Introduce symbols first and encourage children to say what they think the symbols mean.

As the rhyme is said the adult points to the symbol and puts it on the board in the correct order (use Velcro or blu tac to fix). Pupils are more easily able to repeat the rhyme with the visual prompts. Encourage pupils to identify the rhyming words.

Less confident children are encouraged to participate by the visual stimulus. The Rhyme Board can be used afterwards to reinforce key concept words and pupils may like to have a go at repeating the rhyme individually.

teachers using rhyme board

Individuals and small groups

Smaller table top versions can be used to encourage independent reading and can be used with individuals or groups working with a Teaching Assistant.


Follow up activities

  • Lotto and pairs games can be made with rhyming word
  • Dominoes game can be made with rhyming words
  • Whole class sing-alongs using rhymes



Rhyme boards | Using Rhyme boards | Making Rhyme boards | Activity Outcomes

Resources and Tips