Symbols for Literacy

Appropriate symbolisation

Not everybody will read complex pages, and it is necessary that we understand the nature of symbols, so that materials are created with the right level of support for any individual. Whilst some symbols are easy to recognise, others need to be learned. As users become more familiar with symbols, they can begin to extend their vocabulary. It is one of the important reasons why the symbols have a logical structure.

There are many symbols that are easy to recognise. Others are guessable once oyu have understood that symbols represent ideas and actions s well as objects. A great deal of information can be communicated in writing using these levels of symbols. As vocabulary gets more complex, so the symbols get more schematic or abstract. these symbols have to be taught and learned.

The exciting aspect is that we have seen young people growing from non-readers to being using symbols as a support to become readers and writers and who are now starting to browse the web and send symbol emails. For these people, symbols have opened the door to learning and to greater involvement in the community.

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