Practical Guides



Storyboards can be used to develop children's attention and listening skills, story sequencing, vocabulary, oral language skills, independent writing and social interaction skills.


  • provide lots of visual interest
  • promote good attention
  • encourage children to be actively involved
  • increase expressive language
  • teach prediction skills
  • help to develop sequencing through the use of visual clues
  • increase confidence in using symbols in other areas
  • provide a visual reference point for asking questions to check child's understanding

They may be used with whole class or small groups of children.


What is a Storyboard?

storyboardStoryboarding is a way of group storytelling using visual prompts. As the story is told symbols or objects are used to help the group understand and remember the words.

A typical Story board will include:

  • a set of symbols or images that support the key words in the story
  • some illustrative pictures that set the scent or allow animation of the story - for example small dolls or other artefacts
  • a board on which to place these items as the story unfolds.

The story may be told by the teacher to a group, but equally well, children can join in adding items to the board or even telling parts of the story themselves.



Storyboards | Using Storyboards | Making Storyboards | Activity Outcomes

Resources and Tips