Practical Tips
Make sure key vocabulary supported by symbols, is always on hand
Make up smaller sets of Pairs or Snap cards for children to take home.
Use real objects wherever possible when introducing topics.
Laminated sheets can be written on with white board markers.
Laminate worksheets then pupils may use a whiteboard marker for repeated use.
Laminated cards can have very sharp corners, to avoid injury, snip off the corners with a pair of nail clippers for a cool rounded look.
Put symbol and word back to back to save on laminate.
If you can, use white Velcro on the symbols and black Velcro on the board, as this is less distracting.
Print symbols onto cream paper which reduces glare and can be easier for dyslexic children to see.
Put worksheets inside plastic wallets which can be written on with a whiteboard pen and wiped clean. Photocopy to preserve a record of work.
Give all the children their own set of basic vocabulary cards for reference.
Keep extra master sets of resources to save on time and downloading.
Skirt hangers are great for holding up display boards.
If space is limited just make one Velcro backed board and keep the symbols in sets to use on it.
Start with an empty storyboard and fill as the story unfolds making sure that the symbols have first been introduced.
When studying the Three Bears, use a DT session to make chairs and beds for the bears. Other ideas could be making porridge, etc. Whole class activities can be centred around one storyboard.
Try using matt laminate pouches, this reduces the glare from lights and the sun.
If you can't get finger puppets to match your story try knitting some!
A1 mounting boards and storage bags available from ESPO
Make sure your board is low enough on the wall for the children to reach the symbols if required.
Make sure you have plenty of duplicate pictures for the children to stick and colour.
Classroom Management:
When using target boards let the pupil add their own smilies etc if possible, rather than doing it for them.
Symbol supported text on displays around the school allows pupils as well as staff to read about what's being displayed.
When writing comments in pupil's books have symbol supported comment strips available to stick underneath. Don't assume they can read our writing.
Have small ' I need Help ' cards on tables so that less confident children can turn these over instead of having to ask for help.
Take photos of the children opening and closing a door for push /pull signs around the school.