Practical Guides
Storyboard Activity 1
Children had to listen attentively to story and contribute to discussion/questioning appropriately. The follow-up activity was to re-tell story either verbally, written or by drawing a picture.
Year 1
10:1 adult, Literacy, interactive.
Symbols used:
Grids of 6 plus main characters and heading
Children attended really well and joined in with telling the story. One of the children who had behavioural difficulties was encouraged to contribute to the story and was attentive throughout. He was able to produce a drawing at the end of the story that was easily recognisable. He really enjoyed getting the positive praise he deserved. Another child was able to stand up in front of the rest of the children and re-tell the story using the symbols and vocabulary. Children with a range of abilities were included in this activity and worked well together.
Storyboard Activity 2
(Goldilocks Table top version of Storyboard) The children had to use symbols and words to sequence and record story appropriately without support from adult. Work as a group and take turns at re-telling the story.
Year 1
6 children, Literacy, interactive.
Symbols used:
As main storyboard
Children liked using the tabletop storyboards because the removable symbols helped them to physically sequence the story. Some children who normally find recording stories difficult had their confidence boosted because they didn't have to rely totally on adult support and were able to use the symbol/word cards to aid recording the story.
Storyboards | Using Storyboards | Making Storyboards | Activity Outcomes