Classroom Management
Target boards
Targets can be discussed with the child/children and reminded before each session. A simple target board can be made quite easily and quickly using symbol support.
For example:
- Individual target charts/boards
- Class target boards
What are Target Boards?
A Target Board is a visual display to remind pupils what it is they are working towards or what they need to get better at. The target is symbolised and may include photographs of those involved. Target boards could be behaviour or curriculum related and are appropriate for individuals, small groups or whole classes. They can have a reward element such as stickers incorporated.
Some examples of a target board are:
- For an individual pupil in Y1 - good sitting for 5 minutes at the beginning of whole class carpet time.
- For a small group in Y2 - writing targets - capital letters at beginning of sentences and full stops and the end. Use joining words. Hang targets up or stick on table.
- For whole class Y3 - to line up quietly to go into Assembly - put on classroom door.
Target Boards | Using Target Boards | Making Target Boards | Activity Outcomes