Communication Friendly Environments
Visual support
C.F.E | Visual Support | Communication | Environment | Examples
All labels, instructions at eye level height therefore easily seen.
Written instructions have language that is:
- Simple
- Unambiguous
- Entry procedure
- Push/pull on doors
- No food
- No entry
- Fire procedure
Where possible all the above are supported by visual prompts signs/symbols/photographs
All entrance foyers have:
- Photographs of staff with names
- Information boards, organised and accessible, with consistent colour coding for categories
Clear directions to specific areas, e g Reception, Library
- Coloured arrows indicating the direction to specific areas
- Consistent colour coding followed
Map of school site available with:
- Consistent colour coding
- Door to each area/room displaying photograph /name of teacher(s)
Room/area organised into areas, consistent colour coding followed
Routines displayed and utilized, supported by visual prompts e g
- Structure of the whole day /lesson
- Coming into the classroom
- Getting ready for P.E.
Visual and tangible aids used to support spoken language in a range of contexts e.g. real objects, signs/symbols, photographs.
C.F.E | Visual Support | Communication | Environment | Examples